About us

Raising-Bilingual-Children was created as a platform for all parents who raise their children bilingually or even multilingually. It is an initiative by Rosario Then de Lammerskötter, who created this page.

Special thanks go out to my friend Gabriela Ruiz-Glotz, who provided the translation into English – mil gracias amiga.

Rosario is a Venezuelan lawyer who grew up in Caracas, but who is now happily married and living in Hamburg, Germany. She is also the mother of two children, who are being raised in Spanish and German, with a little bit of English thrown in.

“My interest in bilingual education started when I was pregnant with my first child, and has intensified after my daughter was born. I have read with great interest the various publications, both in books as well as online, and searched on the internet about products that can assist in such a bilingual education. I wanted to share what I have learned, also from experience, and thus I created Raising-Bilingual-Children and its sister sites in German and Spanish. This page should be seen as a help to other parents, and I hope to add and update this site over the coming, as my children grow older and go through the various steps of developing their languages.”


Dr. Rosario Then de LammerskötterRosario Carolina Then de Lammerskötter

Karstenstr. 7d

22587 Hamburg


rosario [at] raising-bilingual-children [dot]com


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